Marble labrum support

Roman period, 1st century A.D.
H. 106 cm (41 47⁄64 in)

Private collection, Switzerland, 1974

Annarena Ambrogi
Labra di età Romana in marmi bianchi e colorati, Rome, 2005.

Anna Carella
Marmora pompeiana nel Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli : gli arredi scultorei della case pompeiane, in: "L'ERMA" di Bretschneider, Rome, 2008

Ostie. Port de la Rome antique, at the  Musée Rath, Geneva, from 23 February 2000 until 22 July 2001 (off-catalogue)

With fluted shaft and even necking, the capital formed out of an echinus and rounded abacus, a square recess on the top for the separately made basin

The labrum is a basin used as a water vessel for cold water in the caldarium or hot room of a Roman bath complex. This type of furnishing elements were also widely used in the decoration of atriums and gardens. These kind of columns can be interepreted as a basin support (A. Ambrogi, Labra of the Roman age in white and colored marbles, Rome 2005, pp. 95-112) or, more rarely, of a low table.

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