The broad-bottomed jug with tall strap handle, the body decorated in umber and crimson with two animal friezes, the upper band with panthers, a lion, a bird, sphinxes and a goat, a band of chequer pattern dividing the lower band composed of sirens, goats and felines, with rosettes in the field, details incised
For a similarly decorated flat-bottomed oinochoe with wide mouth by the Canessa Painter see D. Amyx, Corinthian vase painting of the Archaic Period, vol.III, University of California, 1988, pl. 92, no.2, which is from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, acc. no. 06.1021.23a, b. The Met example retains its original lid, the presence of which distinguishes Corinthian examples of this type from those of surrounding regions.